As someone responsible for running your organization using file-based information, you know that simply using your file shares and hoping people do the right thing is not always successful. Much like a file cabinet is for paper, your people can put things there, get them back, and share them with each other. However, many of your information assets need more control, protections, and automation than a simple "file cabinet" can provide. The value, risks, costs, and consequences are often too great. What you need is some help.
Until now, the only solution was to hire an executive assistant who would protect, control, automate, distribute, and generally make sure the integrity of the data is maintained. This is what Expedite does for your file shares. Expedite acts like a valuable executive assistant removing the worry over the generation and use of the electronic information.
CEO Bruce Thompson will be speaking at the Data Storage Innovation (DSI) Conference being held in Santa Clara, California
April 22-24, 2014.
Before Expedite, we had more controls, tracking and management oversight on our petty cash than we did on our information!
We put our data into Expedite and we just don’t have to worry about it.
We save a tremendous amount of time just being able to find things quickly.